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Temas - RoB_KiNG

[align=justify]Buenas torremarfileños!

Hace un par de días Paul Anthony Romero (PAR) posteó esta imagen en su cuenta de Facebook lo que da que pensar que algo nuevo viene en camino relacionado con Heroes (musicalmente hablando).

¿Será que aquel programa musical que nunca llegó a ver la luz al fin a logrado tener fondos? ¿Será un nuevo álbum con temas antiguos remasterizados? ¿O será una gira de conciertos con la banda sonora de Heroes?

Solo con el tiempo lo sabremos  :wink: [/align]


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Taberna - General / Concierto Heroes Might & Magic Days
Septiembre 07, 2015, 19:59:55
Pues un poco de música antecesora no viene mal  :tongue:


Hello Councillors,

Lightly armoured and swift of foot, Elf warriors are designed for speed and striking power. Discover today Might Heroes from the Sylvan Faction:


In case you missed it, discover Sylvan's faction skill: Nature's Revenge      

[img align=left][/img] [img align=left][/img]


Avengers are the war master of the elves. They lead their troops in fast and steady order, and use the power of Earth magic to smite and to protect. They are fast travelers and masters of warcries.

Main skills: Nature's Revenge, Offense, Warcries


Rangers are the most typical elf heroes. Versatile, but always fast, and nimble, proficient in earth magic and warfare techniques, they are decent leaders and diplomats.

Main skills: Nature's Revenge, Warfare, Exploration


Windwalkers are the pillars of the forests, strong oaks standing still in the storm, using the full extent of their defense and leadership skill, they are also fast explorers and decent users of earth magic.

Main skills: Nature's Revenge, Defense, Leadership

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

It is now time to discover the Townscreen of the Sylvan Faction in details!

"The Elves are graceful and patient souls who live in close harmony with the lands and forests. They are in tune with Sylanna, the Dragon of Earth. Her deliberate nature and ancient wisdom are reflected in their approach to life and worship. They view the forests and living things as their responsibilities, and do not shrink from punishing those who defile them."

Please keep in mind that all visuals and elements are work in progress and this until the end of the development! This article only focus on main buildings of the townscreen but the game will offer more variety and options (growth building etc.)

[img align=left][/img][img align=left][/img]


Core Creatures

- Faery Woods: Allows to recruit Sprites.
- Sacred Grove: Allows to recruit Oak Dryads.
- Hunters Lodge: Allows to recruit Master Hunters.

Elite Creatures

- Stone Ring: Allows to recruit Druid Elders.
- Blade Dance Arena: Allows to recruit Blade Masters.
- Sun Garden: Allows to recruit Sun Deers.

Champion Creatures

- Treant Sanctum: Allows to recruit Ancient Treants.
- Dragon Shrine: Allows to recruit Emerald Dragons.

Warfare Units

- Garden Of The Sacred Seed: Allows to recruit support warfare unit.
- Archery Platform: Provides the town with 3 towers in siege combats.
- Blacksmith: Allows to recruit attack warfare unit.


[align=justify]- Capitol: Raises the daily income to 4000 gold / day. There can be only one Capitol per player and per map.
- Sylanna's Perfect Balance: Provides 5000 gold / day and additional great bonuses.
- Hall Of Heroes: Allows to recruit Heroes.
- Magic Guild Level 4: Allows Heroes to learn spells (4 levels).
- Town Portal: Allows Heroes to be teleported to this town (only if it is the closet town and with dedicated spell).
- Embassy: +20% chance for negotiations with neutral armies inside the town's AoC.
- Fountain Of Restoration: Provides bonuses to visiting heroes (increases the morale of units in the visiting hero's army by 5 for the next 3 battles).
- Thieves Guild: Provides the town screen window to spy enemies and give overview of the game status.
- Golden Path: Doubles movement points of caravans departing the town.
- Dream Forest: Creates magical illusions around the town that lead enemy heroes in dead ends. All enemy heroes in the town's area of control have their movement cost over land increased by 25%.
- Marketplace: Provides the town screen window to trade resources.
- Sylanna's Infinite Gift: Provides one unit of wood and one unit of ore per day.
- Mystic Pond: Provides a daily random rare resource to the owner.[/align]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Discover today (officially ;)) the Necromancy skill in MMH7, specialty of the Necropolis faction.

"Heroes of Necropolis command armies of undead creatures, the animated corpses of the enemies they defeated on the battlefield. Although those soldiers are mostly sword fodder, their ranks seem to be growing endlessly."

Necromancy in MMH7 takes into account all fallen creatures of the battlefield, disregarding the original owner of them: "Asha uses all".

As always, skill effects are cumulative and all values are subject to balancing until the very end of the development.


- Novice: Raises fallen living creatures to join the hero's army after combat victory as Skeletons by 5% of the annihilated health points.
- Expert: Raises additional 5% and raised creatures are Skeleton Hoplites.
- Master: Raises additional 5%.


[img align=left][/img]

In the meantime, we also confirm that the reveal of Sylvan will start before the ending of the month so stay tuned!

FUENTE: Enlace

[img align=left][/img]
Hello, my dear friends.

As some of you can guess, I have been rather budy these last few days. However, let me reassure you: I haven't forgotten this council, nor do I intend to shy away from the tales you've asked me to relate.

Many opinions were shared, and many suggestions were given. As of now, I've chosen the following three topics for my next tales:

Information about the Nagas, and how some members of this serpentine race were incorporated into the Lotus Empire.
The story of the Griffin family, from the days of Ishtvan, first Duke of Griffin, to his descendant Ivan.
The tale of Sandro, the infamous Netherlord. Always a popular bogeyman in fireside tales...

Many of you have asked information about someone named "Raelag", but I must confess I have no idea who this person is supposed to be. The name does ring a bell, though... where did I hear it before? It's like a shadow in the corner of my mind. Intriguing... and very frustrating.

Anyway, don't hesitate to continue to suggest ideas, and vote for ideas you like.

Fuente: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Discover today the last remaining 3 skills of MMH7 you will be able to discover in the upcoming Beta: Light & Water Magic Schools and Academy's Faction skill Metamagic!

In the meantime, our team continue to work on the bug fixes and we will get back to you next week for more information. Stay tuned!


Light Magic comes from Elrath and is linked to ideals of Truth, Justice, and Perfection. Light shines on the virtuous but blinds and burns the impious. It can heal its servants, and even bring them back to life, protect them against various kinds of curses, and pierce through illusions and stealth.


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


Water Magic comes from Shalassa and is linked to its various aspects (oceans, lakes, brooks, springs, rain, mist, steam, snow, ice, blood and tears...) but also to the emotions, the intuition, the creativity and empathy. Water magic renders the body and the mind as malleable as a liquid. It can conjure dream visions, trigger violent emotions, but can also drown armies of enemies in tidal waves, or freeze them to death in raging blizzards.


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


Metamagic is Academy's Faction Skill, as always all skill effects are cumulative.

"The wizards' mastery of magic allows them to trigger synergies between spells to unleash even more power and destruction on the battlefield."

Reaching Novice level of Metamagic enable the use of Magic Synergy effect:

Novice   - Casting a single target hero spell on a creature under a magic effect triggers Magic Synergy: Increase the duration of positive effects on friendly creatures and the duration of negative effects on enemy creatures by 1.

Expert   - Magic Synergy increases the duration of magic effects by 1
Master   - Magic Synergy increases the duration of magic effects by 1.

[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Some of you have been eager to discover more Magic Schools before the end of the week so here we go with 2 of them today: Fire & Prime!

Please note that in the following graphic X might not represent a single number and can be in various cases results of different bonuses or calculations (for instance it can be: X=Damages of the spell from Hero expertise level * Magic value)

Balancing will be handled until the very end of the development and names/icons can be subject to changes.


Fire Magic comes from Arkath and manifests itself as flames, smoke and ashes. It is also related to the burning passions: desire, courage and anger, lust, recklessness and rage. Fire consumes the weak but gives strength and purpose to the strong.It can create smoke screens and fire shields to protect its allies, or fill them with unyielding determination, but it can also incinerate its enemies with scorching fireballs.

Fire Magic is favoured by the Dwarves, and very popular with the Demons.


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


Prime Magic comes from Asha or Urgash, the Primordial Dragons, and is connected to the spiritual substance born from the Void. It can channel the magical energies from the spirit world to the material world (and vice versa), and control the space-time continuum (to preserve or disrupt it). Prime magic can enchant an item (imbue an inert substance with a magical "soul"), animate a Golem or a Skeleton (bind a spirit to a material lifeless form), open a gate between the material and the spiritual world, etc.

Prime Magic is favored by the worshippers of Asha and the followers of Sar-Elam (the Wizards, the Necromancers, the White Weavers, the Blind Brothers, the Silent Sisters, the Dragon Knights) but also by the servants of Urgash (the Warlocks and Demons).


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Today let's conclude the presentation of Might Skills with the remaining 3 of them:  Exploration, Leadership & Warfare.

Offense & Defense are wise choices but they aren't the only path your Hero can follow to become a powerful leader or strategist.

With every new rank in the skillwheel you will be able to unlock:

- Exploration: Increases the hero's movement by X per day.
- Leadership: Increases Leadership by X (adds to creature morale
- Warfare: Upgrades warfare units to next level

The skill effects are cumulative!


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Today let's discover not one but two Magic Schools with the presentation of Earth Magic & Dark Magic!

Please note that in the following graphic X might not represent a single number and can be in various cases results of different bonuses or calculations (for instance it can be: X=Damages of the spell from Hero expertise level * Magic value)

Balancing will be handled until the very end of the development and names/icons can be subject to changes.


Earth Magic comes from Sylanna and governs the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms, involving stone, dust, soil, wood and flesh, but also the feral instincts and the five senses. It is the path that leads to perfect harmony with Nature. It can heal and regenerate what is wounded or weakened, improve the stamina or heighten the senses, remove toxins, poisons, and diseases, but also unleash the powers of nature to turn trees into mighty warriors, or cause earthquakes.

Earth Magic is favoured by the Elves, and very popular with the Orcs.


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


Dark Magic comes from Malassa and is related to the mysterious, unfathomable shadows, to the subconscious mind, and to the lethargic, and sometimes lethal, powers of sleep, fatigue and coma.

Darkness hides and shelters its followers but weakens its enemies and feeds them with intangible horrors or disruptive delusion. It can wrap allies in shadows to help them disappear from view, drain the life force of enemies until they fall unconscious, or conjure their worst nightmares in their mind until they flee in terror or become catatonic.

Dark Magic is favoured by the Faceless and the Dark Elves, and very popular within the Necromancers.


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


Hello Councillors,

Many of you have been asking for it for a long time now and finally we are glad to announce that you will be able to see more MMH7 live on Twitch!

Julien Pirou (Lead Designer), aka Marzhin and Xavier Penin (Lead Game Designer) are back for a new stream session!

Join us to discover in exclusivity the content of the upcoming Beta and ask your questions to the devs!

Book your agenda right now! May 21st at 7pm CET on! Click here to check your timezone.

See you next Thursday!

[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Beta approaching very fast we wanting to give you more information not only about the content of the game itself but also the different options you will be able to manage in order to create your own MMH7 experience.

Even if it is only a beta, it was important for us to use this opportunity to anticipate a maximum in order to provide better support and compatibility until release. That is the reason why you will be able to have already access to almost all options and will have the possibility to tweak them at your convenience.  

As you may have seen in our technical Q&A, we already improved beta requirements and will provide as soon as possible a new recommended setup but in all cases, we aim at doing even more improvements so your feedback will be particularly precious.

We hope this first introduction will help you to better understand the main elements of this menu and we will come back with more details during the beta.


[img align=left][/img]

[align=justify]- Anti-Aliasing: Reduces the sharpness artifacts from the edges of all 3d objects.
- Resolution: Allows you to select your screen resolution (automatically detect all supported resolutions by your graphic card).
- Ambient Occlusion: Adds contact shadows where two surfaces or objects meet, and where an object blocks light from reaching another nearby game element.
- Dynamic Shadows: Toggles the rendering of real-time shadows from objects that can move or change.
- Shader Quality: Forces the usage of lower/higher quality versions of the object materials.
- Static Mesh Quality: Forces switching all non-animated 3D Meshes into lower quality/higher versions.
- Graphics Card: Allows you to verify which Graphic Card the game is using (particularly helpful if you have a laptop featuring 2 graphic cards).
- Full Screen: Choose between Fullscreen/Windowed modes.
- Texture Quality: Forces the usage of lower/higher resolution textures.
- Distortion: Adds visual improvements to some specific elements (flames etc.).
- Skeletal Mesh Quality: Forces switching all animated 3D Meshes into lower/higher quality versions.
- Language: Only English will be available for the Beta.[/align]


[img align=left][/img]

[align=justify]- Master Sound: Set volume of the whole game.
- Effect Sound: Set volume for all sound effects.
- Music: Set volume for music.
- Ambient Sound: Set volume for ambient sounds.[/align]


[img align=left][/img]

[align=justify]- Show Hero Destination Indicator: Enable/Disable Hero destination indicator on the map.
- Event Log: Show/Hide Event Log.
- Auto Play Dialogs: Automatically start dialogs when encountered.
- Show Week Popup: Show/Hide Week Popup.
- // Panning options: Define scrolling options of mouse/keyboard on map.
- Notifications: Show/Hide notifications.
- Show entire Build-Tree: Show/Hide full Build-Tree in towns.
- Show Hotseat Popup: Show/Hide Hotseat Popup.[/align]


[img align=left][/img]

[align=justify]- Gamespeed: Select gamespeed.
- Always do QuickCombat: You can decide to use Quickcombat as default.
- Army Presentation Cam: At the beginning of each fight, you will be able to enable/disable a quick flyover of both armies.
- Gameplay waits for animations: The game will wait until the end of each animations before enabling following action.
- Coolcam Chance: 0 - 100% chance to have a coolcam event on triggers.[/align]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

A few weeks ago we introduced the Skill of Destiny, the first of the 3 Neutral skills in MMH7. Today, we are glad to complete this list with: Paragon & Economy!

Those two skills can be particularly interesting while developing your army or your town. Indeed, for each new unlocked rank:

Paragon will increase the hero's experience gain
Economy will increase daily income

Raw power isn't necessary the best option to obtain victory and the following abilities should confirm this reality in MMH7.

As always, the skill effects are cumulative and balancing will be handled until the very end of the project (including beta feedback).

FUENTE: Enlace


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]

Hello Councillors,  

Today we wanted to share with you an update regarding the townscreen interface in MMH7.

Indeed, some of you were willing to know more about what was behind those buttons and what was the purpose of some of them.

Interface elements are today 100% functional but we will improve the design & icons of some of them before the release of the title.


Where it all begins

[img align=left][/img]


Here we have the town tree where you can see the connections between the different buildings (a bit rough at the moment). On the left side, you can also see the level of your town and the "destroy" level button.

[img align=left][/img]


This window will allow you to recruit creatures but also order caravans from other towns.

[img align=left][/img]

Let's see this in action! (in a really really small map for test purpose)

[align=left][video width=600 height=400][/video][/align]


In this window, you will be able to buy warfare units to reinforce your army for the battle.

[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


(This spy is not really greedy)

[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


[img align=left][/img]


On this window, Academy Heroes can recycle Artifacts to obtain some resources out of it.

[img align=left][/img]


This Academy specific building allows your Hero to buy scrolls.

[img align=left][/img]

Since we are talking about UI, have a look to our progress regarding skillwheel layout:

[align=left][video width=600 height=400][/video][/align]

FUENTE: Enlace

[img align=left][/img]

Well met, friends.

Now that I've reached the end of my Tales of the Ten Years War, I'd like to ask you, esteemed members of the Shadow Council, what story you'd like me to recount next?

Please tell me what tales would be interesting for you to hear, and don't hesitate to add your support to the suggestions of the other councilors if you find them relevant.

The most popular and interesting suggestions will be my next tales – as long as it is in my power to tell them, of course.

FUENTE: Enlace

[img align=left][/img]

Hello Councillors,

Since you will be able to play the game in less than 3 weeks (beta starting on May 25th!), we decided to accelerate our publications about the skills in MMH7.

By doing so, you will be fully prepared to enjoy the game with a good knowledge of its possibilities in terms of hero development on d-day!

Today let's continue with 3 new Might skills: Offense, Defense & Diplomacy!
As always, skill effects are cumulative :)


With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Offense points

[img align=left][/img]


With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Defense points

[img align=left][/img]


With each skill rank you unlock, you chance for successful negotiations with neutral armies will be improved by X%.

[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

In MMH7, all factions will have their specific trait and skills, allowing to make the best of their uniqueness.

Haven for instance will be a faction with high moral bonuses thanks to their faction skill, Rightesouness:

"Thanks to their faith and team spirit, the armies of the Holy Empire have impressive morale, which becomes a powerful asset in battle, where they seem to strike twice as much as their opponents." Unlocking a new rank (Novice, Expert & Master) will provide moral bonuses to all units when a friendly creature has good morale.

All skill effects are cumulative!

[img align=left][/img]

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Along several months, you discovered through the Tales of the Ten Years War articles what happened before the story of Might & Magic Heroes VII.

This chapter is now closing and we would like to thank you for your interest in those stories.

In the upcoming months we will introduce the main story of the title and the different learnings of its campaigns.

For now, let's conclude this arc...

FUENTE: Enlace

Hello Councillors,

Today we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Humble Bundle for the next 2 weeks!

Pay what you want for up to 17 Might & Magic titles and support Charity on !

[img align=left][/img]

(re)Discover the vast universe of M&M with its pillars of the RPG genre, acclaimed Turn Based Strategy Titles and exciting original Gaming Experiences for the very best price – your price.

Humble Bundle is a "pay what you want"- system composed of 3 tiers.

Pay $1 or more for

Heroes of Might & Magic II: Gold Edition,
Heroes of Might & Magic IV: Complete Edition,
the Might & Magic 1 to 6 Collection,
and Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack!

Pay more than the average price, and you also get

Heroes of Might & Magic V,
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Gold Edition,
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic,
and Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes + I Am the Boss DLC.

Pay $15 or more, and you get all of that plus

Might & Magic X Legacy,
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - HD Edition,
Might & Magic X Legacy + The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC,
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness,
and Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack.
You can also choose where the money you pay goes -- between the developers and three charitable causes (Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, and charity: water).

Do not wait any longer and complete your M&M collection while helping great causes!
